
Mala Rodriguez Turning Into Christina Aguilera

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Remember way back when in the year 2000 when Mala Rodriguez burst onto the scene with hard core hip hop and sharp social lyrics? Then not so long afterwards, the spitfire Spaniard came at us with an alternative beat in the company of the like of Julieta Venegas in her album Malamarismo in 2007.

Well, it’s another day in Mala-land and if her new single “No pidas perdón” is any indication, she has left the ghettos of Sevilla and the hipster town of Madrid to hit the dance floor — hard.

In her first single of the album titled Dirty Bailarina (out April 27), La Mala cuts her way through an electro-pop beat with her classic in-your-face hip hop bravado. The title of  the album refers to an alter ego on which the 14 tracks in the album are based on. The album was produced by Atlanta-based producer Focus , who has worked with other acts like Beyoncé, Jennifer López and Christina Aguilera.

“No pidas perdón” is definitely a catchy track, you’ll be bobbing your head and singing “Mi madre va a llorar, tu madre va a llorar” on your way to and from. What do you think of the new song? Go to Mala Rodriguez’s website to access it or listen to the leaked version everywhere.