
East WillyB: Season 2 Ep.1 Recap

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Washington Heights may be over, but not to worry – los recaps siguen! This time, we’re taking it to another borough, with the premiere of Episode 1 of web series East WillyB‘s second season. Let’s just say it is definitely Fania-licious! So, let’s jump into the deets, shall we?


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Willie Jr. (aka our Marc Anthony look-alike) opens the episode in true Nuyorican style with a dope salsa tune, (reminiscent of Hector Lavoe’s “Aguanile”), un conjunto de salseros and a big ol’ guiro to match! For this episode, Willie Jr. is just tickled pink that his precious Maggie has finally called him. “Maaaaaaaggie called meeeee.” Expecting a reconciliation post rift, he sends his beloved a stuffed puppy dog – ’cause according to him there’s no funds for a real dog. Ah, Latin men, you gotta love it. 😉


Ceci, (aka our Latina Carla from the show “Cheers”) is going through our own relationship woes with her girlfriend – but in her case, she’s not trying to keep this fish – no matter how big her tuckus is.


Dealing with the constant nuisance of gentrification, in this episode we see how even the smallest space can be converted into a business venture. What was once a backyard to a private residence is now being marketed to renters with a bonus ultimate “beer panty dropper’ – that’s right, you heard correctly. But watch out for long time residents, who are resentful and armed with their huevos!


As Willie Jr. prepares for his passionate reenuentro with Maggie, he does some half-ass push-ups to improve his lanky body. A word to the wise, never listen to your bochinchoso friends ’cause doing a total of five push-up is not going to make you look like Chayanne, boo-boo.


Post Willie’s ‘vigorous’ workout, Maggie finally shows her face at the bar, but unfortunately for him she’s brought her stank (aka I ain’t got NO man pussface) friend. She shouts to Willie that her friend Maggie is now with a REAL man! And in 2.2 seconds things get real. A shouting match between Ceci and Maggie’s friend gets so heated that I thought for sure somebody was going to take out the vaseline – que escándalo!

Maggie then breaks the hard news to Willie that she has moved on and that he should do the same. She doesn’t want any more gifts from him and that any hopes of reconciliation were pointless. Poor Willie’s hopes are dashed in a matter of seconds, leaving him distraught and singing that tune we all know oh so well: “this bottle is my only friend.” Shout out to Bon Jovi! Haaay!

So, what’s to come for season two of ‘East WillyB’? Will Willie Jr. really stay away from Maggie? Will Willie’s friends and patrons stop being so damn nosy and all up in his business? (highly unlikely) Will Ceci be able to keep that ‘Playa from the Himalayas’ swag going? And will we see more egg fights between Brooklyn realtors and our lovely cordial residents?

Stay tuned…