
Video: Canteca De Macao’s “La Rubia Perfecta” feat. El Canijo De Jerez [ESP]

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Canteca De Macao continues to celebrate its 10-year anniversary with the release of “La Rubia Perfecta.” The video is part of its #UNADECADA project where the band releases a new video of a song from its discography on the 15th of each month.

“La Rubia Perfecta” is one of the first songs the band wrote and recorded and is also a much more light-hearted affair compared to the previous videos they’ve released so far. As you’ve already guessed, it’s about the perfect woman…or maybe not so perfect after all! This version also includes a guest appearance by artist/comedian El Canijo De Jerez (Marcos del Ojo Barroso), formerly of Los Delinqüentes.

[insert-video youtube=Cgv38BIqcpk]