
C. Tangana Thirsts for Hinds’ Lead Singer in His Flip of Drake and Meek Mill’s “R.I.C.O.”

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Getting new C. Tangana tracks has become a rare occurrence these days, so whatever he puts out is like a drop of water in the desert. But we certainly weren’t expecting this. On “C.H.I.T.O.,” his latest track, he jumps on Meek Mill and Drake’s collaboration “R.I.C.O.” and makes it his own. Now it seems ironic to recall the two of them working together after their very public beef, which the Spanish rapper references in his lyrics (“Vas a decir que no escribo mis temas”).

But the true surprise is that the whole song is some sort of love letter to Carlotta Cosials, a member of Hinds. And he doesn’t hold back, not the least bit. He raps, “Sólo el amor de verdad podría torcer mi destino/Te juré que no lo iba a contar, pero no aguanto más sin decirlo/Carlotta Cosials, quiero casarme contigo,” right before showing a short shot of Cosials looking clueless and asking “what?” in the simple video that accompanies the song. So, are they dating? Or is she just his crush? Is she going to reply with a song? We might just sit back and enjoy the track.