
Sanfuentes’ EP ‘Are You OK?’ Builds a Throbbing Acid House Soundscape

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Chilean producer Sanfuentes, head of Sanfuentes Records and regular Matias Aguayo collaborator, just released three acid house tracks in the form of Are You OK?, an EP that throws more jabs and uppercuts than a young and sharp Oscar de la Hoya in the 90s.

The EP’s title references the overwhelmed sensation one can get in an era when there’s too many options to choose from and more information out there than anyone can handle. The tracks reflect that process, by building a soundscape that’s just as overwhelming. It’s the musical equivalent of scrolling down a gif-filled Tumblr for hours on end.

The tracks are long, and that means a sustained experience that house fans who want some intense grooves will appreciate. Title track “Are You OK?” and follow-up “No Martians” show that Sanfuentes’ still has some gold in the vault.