
Di María Gives Touching Tribute to His Abuela During Argentina vs. Chile Game

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After scoring the opening goal in Argentina’s Copa América Centenario match against Chile, Ángel Di María used the moment to send a touching message to his recently deceased grandmother. Di María immediately ran over to Argentina’s bench after scoring, where he had a shirt ready for him. On the plain white tee, the words “Abuela te voy a extrañar muchísimo” could be read.

Earlier in the day, the Paris Saint-Germain player posted an equally touching goodbye note to his grandmother on Facebook.

Di María was even clever enough to do the “footballer writes a note on his undershirt to show when he scores a goal” bit without incurring a yellow card, which is the automatic penalty for taking off your jersey.

Update, June 7 at 12:15 a.m.: After the match, di María fought tears as he talked about the emotional moment and why he decided to play so soon after her passing. Check it out below: