
10 Things Less Depressing than the Brazil vs. Germany Semi-Final Match

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Twitter: @AndreaGompf

The Brazil vs Germany match just ended and we’re all reeling in shock. I literally got up to buy a soda during the first half and came back to find Germany FIVE GOALS ahead, which means they put five balls in the box in the time it takes me to think of a semi-clever tweet.  That game was such a bummer, even zip-lining Kanye was less depressing. As a matter of fact, here’s a list of things that are less depressing than watching that game:

1. Those Sarah McLachlan ASPCA commercials:

[insert-video youtube=9gspElv1yvc]

2. Britney Spears in 2007:

3. This picture of Obama crying:

4. The last scene in The Notebook:

[insert-video youtube=9LI0RR9jGq8]

5. When Maradona got fat:

6. This woman getting rejected by her dog:

7. When Mufasa dies in The Lion King:

8. Sad Keanu:

9. Ugly food photos on Instagram:

10. The Elephant that Cried Tears of Joy When it Was Rescued from Captivity: