
Video: Bocafloja's "Seis 25" ft. Edgaro [MEX/CUB]

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The Quilombo Arte collective does it again. The international hip-hop crew, led by Mexico’s Bocafloja, represents the highest standards of intelligent, soulful, progressive rap en español, and their videos never disappoint.

Not long ago we had him among the year’s best, with his collaboration with Dominican Republic’s Hache ST. Now the chilango MC with the best name in the game joins forces with Cuba’s Edgaro (of the legendary Doble Filo crew) and they both flow smoothly over a laid-back beat provided, once again, by Argentina’s Gas-Lab.

In the lyrical world of Bocafloja, politics and poetry are always struggling to find a perfect balance, regardless of what the song is really about. In this case it’s about love, sex, and desire. Still, he managed to find a political twist to the theme, talking about colonization in regards to body politics. The subtitles help, but still, the song requires multiple listens.

[insert-video youtube=RjYyoKBf7K4]