
Video: Alpha Stronggah Guides Us On An Electrotropical Trip [CHI]

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“Pedacito de Cielo” urges the viewer into an instant trip mode, both literally and figuratively. The video is actually a “microdocumentary” of a backpacking trip–a physical trip–through the jungles of Peru and Ecuador, while the downtempo electrofolk music induces a state of psychedelic trip akin to the one experienced by ingesting certain indigenous infusions popular in those latitudes.

Chilean videographers Pablo Lineros and Cristobal Escanilla provide the stunning visuals while their compatriot Alpha Stronggah takes care of the shamanic soundtrack. The resulting project becomes an EP with the inclusion of remixes by Loko Bonó from Peru, Lascivio Bohemia from Ecuador, Sr. Lufthansa from Spain, and Esceptico Jr from Chile.

PEDACITO DE CIELO from Cristóbal Escanilla Severino on Vimeo.