Marvel has announced the continuation of its comic book series Marvel’s Voices, this time turning its attention to several Latinx superheroes and creators from the Marvel Universe.
According to Marvel, Marvel’s Voices: Comunidades will “continue the tradition of highlighting the cultural richness of Marvel Comics and uplifting new voices in the comic book industry.”
Marvel’s Voices: Comunidades comes after Marvel’s Voices: Legacy, which celebrated Black heroes and creators, and Marvel’s Voices: Pride, which did the same for the LGBTQ+ community.
Some of the new stories and characters featured in Marvel’s Voices: Comunidades include one from writer Terry Blas from his popular Reptil comic book series, which features a young boy named Humberto Lopez who acquires the powers of dinosaurs and reptiles.
Writer Daniel José Older will also revisit Marvel’s very first Latino superhero character, Hector Ayala, AKA White Tiger, with a new narrative.
“This is such an excellent project, and I’m very happy to get to be part of it,” Older told Marvel. “I’ve read all the Marvel’s Voices collections and loved them, so it’s great to be able to write for one! ¡Pa’lante!”
Co-editor Lauren Amaro said Marvel Voices is “a unique project” reflecting what the real world looks like. “When the opportunity came to help put together Marvel Voices: Comunidades and celebrate the Latinx community, I couldn’t have been more excited,” she said.
Along with Blas and Older, other writers of the series include Karla Pacheco, Juan Ponce, Leonardo Romero, Amapro Ortiz, Alex Segura, Nico Leon, and Edgar Delgado. Artists include Enid Balám, Vanesa del Ray, Adriana Melo, Alithe E. Martinez, and Joe Quesada.
Marvel’s Voices: Comunidades debuts October 20.