
Remembering Alexa Duran, an 18-Year-Old Victim of the FIU Bridge Collapse

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Creative Commons "Florida International University” by Andres Limones Cruz is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Creative Commons "Florida International University” by Andres Limones Cruz is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Tragedy struck at the Florida International University campus on Thursday when a recently installed 950-ton pedestrian bridge collapsed, crushing cars on the street below and killing at least six. The firm behind the bridge, designed to offer a safe alternative for pedestrians crossing between the school and the City of Sweetwater, and the Miami university are under scrutiny following the devastating incident. As more information comes to light, we’re also slowly learning the names of the victims.

Alexa Duran, 18, was majoring in political science at FIU and was pledging for the Alpha Xi Delta sorority. On Thursday, she was driving near campus with friend Richard Humble, who sat in the passenger seat. When the bridge collapsed, it hit the driver’s side of her gray Toyota SUV. Humble was able to get out of the car and is now in a neck and leg brace, according to the Miami Herald.

“My little girl was trapped in the car and couldn’t get out,” said her father, Orlando Duran, who learned of the news while he was in London. “She died when the bridge collapsed on top of her car. This is going to be the longest and saddest trip of my life. I don’t want to return.”

Friend Manny Perez described Duran as “one of those people who lights up any room, any circumstance, situation. She always makes her presence known.”