Twitter: @AndreaGompf
It is only October 5, but if you haven’t already started putting serious planning into your Halloween costume you are losing big time. Not to suggest that you can win or lose this game because THIS IS NOT A GAME. THIS IS REALER THAN REAL.
Ok sorry for being aggressive, I just really, really love Halloween. I spend the 364 days of the year that are NotHalloween planning for Halloween. So naturally my eyes and ears perked up when I saw on the Twitters that American Apparel has already put together their Halloween DIY LookBook (shout out to mija Andie for the tip) and included several Hispanic Halloween costumes. They mostly went the stereotypical, offensive route – think Sombreros, Ponchos, & Chiquita Banana-esque ensembles – but they also included La Llorona, a mythical figure well-known throughout Mexico, Puerto Rico and Central America.
We could probably argue about the authenticity of La Llorona’s depiction, but I personally think it’s kind of cool that they included her at all. Plus their Look Book consists entirely of GIFs! I love GIFs. I love Halloween. I love lamp. Check ’em out below: