
AOC Calls Out GOP For Double Standards Regarding Trump’s Hair Expense

Lead Photo: Art by Stephany Torres for Remezcla
Art by Stephany Torres for Remezcla
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Prolific, Latina Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) has some questions about President Donald Trump’s shady tax returns. The New York politician has received slack in the past from her colleagues for the expense of her hairstyling and is calling out the GOP for their sexist antics. AOC’s hair maintenance costs are nowhere near as astonishing as the $70,000 Trumps wrote off on his taxes for hair care while he was on the reality show, The Apprentice.

Double standards are nothing new for female politicians—especially for women of color. Ocasio-Cortez has unfortunately grown accustomed to speaking out against the way gender plays a role in politics and often exposes her conservative counterparts for misogyny. She took to Twitter to express her feelings about the reports of Trump’s spending on his hairdo and the lack of outcry from the GOP.

“Last year Republicans blasted a firehose of hatred + vitriol my way because I treated myself to a $250 cut & lowlights on my birthday. Where’s the criticism of their idol spending $70k on hairstyling? Oh, it’s nowhere because they’re spineless, misogynistic hypocrites? Got it.” she said in the tweet.

Anyone with long hair in a major U.S. city knows that $250 for a quality cut and color is pretty standard. AOC doesn’t appear to have used taxpayer money to fund her haircut and there hasn’t been evidence that she wrote off the ‘do as a business expense. As a public figure, Ocasio-Cortez has to keep her hair in check. If she were to be photographed with unruly hair the media would drag her further than they did Obama and his beige suit.

AOC’s mane looks great—we’d love to rock locks like hers. We can’t say the same for Trump’s mangled hair which is apparently worth $70K. Maybe Ocasio-Cortez can introduce Trump to her hairstylist.