
Argentina Cuts Off Paraguay With Wall, Would Make Donald Trump Proud

Lead Photo: Phillip Capper
Phillip Capper

Donald Trump’s immigration plan, which basically reads “put a wall on it,” has been adopted by Argentina. A new petition denounces the 16-foot wall separating the two countries that was put up by the Entidad Binacional Yacyretá. “It seems they have the ultra right-wing ideas of Donald Trump, who asked for the construction of a wall between Mexico and the U.S.,” the petition reads. “In our shared border with Paraguay, this is not at all necessary.” The petition, which has been signed by more than 5,000 people, say the actions of the government are embarrassing and that the wall hurts both Argentina and Paraguay.

The wall surrounds the customs and immigration offices, and it cuts off Paraguayan pedestrians from entering the country. Misiones Cuatro reports that the wall came out of nowhere. “The wall was a total surprise,” Paraguayan journalist Alicia Stumpf told Misiones Cuatro. “All of a sudden, it appeared and people’s reactions evince how inconvenient it is. It’s shocking to construct this wall between two cities that are so tied together, not only commercially, but culturally, socially, and emotionally.” People on both sides of the border are against the wall.

Check out some of their reactions below:

(via Misiones Cuatro)