
People Are Actually Being Good to the Environment Because of the #BasuraChallenge

Lead Photo: Photo by Hero Images
Photo by Hero Images

We’ve seen a lot of viral challenges that have been dangerous or questionable (remember when people were straight up eating Tide Pods?), but one of the latest is actually good for the environment. About a week ago, Arizona-based Byron Román shared a photo of himself after he cleaned up a highly littered area. He didn’t expect it to take off, but since then people all over the world have joined in.

“Here is a new #challenge for all you bored teens,” he wrote on Facebook. “Take a photo of an area that needs some cleaning or maintenance, then take a photo after you have done something about it, and post it. Here are the people doing it #BasuraChallenge #trashtag Challenge, join the case.”

With the Facebook post, Byron hoped to show young people that they could make a difference. “When teens get bored, that’s like the worst thing you can ever have – actually, any person being bored,” he told Time. “So I thought, maybe someone will pick up the challenge and do something positive about it.”

And it certainly took off, with people all across the world sending in their own photos. Check out a few below.