
A Brazilian Mom Fought to Create a Park so That Children With Disabilities Could Play

Lead Photo: Photo by kolderal / Moment
Photo by kolderal / Moment
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For children with disabilities, parks aren’t always welcoming places. In Curitiba, Brazil, a mother of twin girls, one of whom has cerebral palsy, took action after not being able to find parks that allowed her daughters to play together.

“The first time I noticed the lack of accessibility in leisure was when [Leticia] was less than 2 years old,” Shirley Ordônio told Business Insider. “And it was the first time I heard her laughing. I removed the cushions from a wheelchair, placed her on a swing and pushed.”

Since then, she’s worked to make parks more inclusive, and eventually, she received support from the local government as well. The Mayor of Curtiba backed the project, and the first park was built in 2018. And more are slated to be constructed around the country.

Check out the heartwarming video of the park below.