
For Christmas, These Two Girls Got Teddy Bears With a Special Message From Their Late Abuelito

Lead Photo: Photo by Harold Lloyd/Getty Images
Photo by Harold Lloyd/Getty Images
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For the Ramos family, Christmas has been tough since abuelo Florencio Jimenez died of a stroke during a robbery last year. “We’re used to having my grandpa around for the holidays,” 16-year-old Jennifer Ramos told BuzzFeed News. “It’s been really sad for us not having him.” For two of the youngest members of the family – Mariana and Sarahy – it’s likely been especially difficult. That’s why during Nochebuena this year, their Tia Andrea brought them the most heartwarming and thoughtful gift.

Mariana opened her gift first. Inside a Build-a-Bear box, Mariana discovered a brown bear wearing a plaid shirt. The young girl immediately let out a little yelp and hugged her new bear. But her family told her that she needed to squeeze the bear’s hand to truly appreciate the gift. When she does, she breaks down in tears. Sarahy follows suit, and also ends up crying.

Andrea custom designed teddy bears that played a special message from their abuelito. According to Jennifer, Andrea used audio from video that the girls and their grandpa filmed before he died. Each bear features an “inside joke” and the message ended with their abuelo’s laugh. “I think that’s what got them, his laugh at the end,” Jennifer said.

Watch the touching video below, and get ready to feel all the feels: