
Cardi B Jokes About Performing ‘WAP’ At Biden Inauguration & More On Today’s News

Lead Photo: Art by Stephany Torres for Remezcla
Art by Stephany Torres for Remezcla
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Las Notis is a daily news column that gets you up to speed on the political, media + other going ons in the United States, Latin America and the diaspora—all in one quick digest. 

Here’s your glimpse at what’s going on today:

  • Joe Biden began his first day in office by signing 17 executive orders, many of them aimed at reversing Trump policies. Biden’s initiatives are aimed at strengthening the country’s pandemic response, reversing the environmental agenda and offering some immigration reform. [NYT]
  • Approximately 900,000 people filed new unemployment claims last week during President Donald Trump’s last days in office. The claims provide a picture of the economic difficulties and labor challenges President Biden will take on during his administration. [WaPo]
  • In a message sent just after Biden was sworn in as president of the United States, Pope Francis said he was praying that God would guide his efforts uniting the country and that he hoped Biden would work towards the rights and dignity of the poor and the vulnerable. “Under your leadership, may the American people continue to draw strength from the lofty political, ethical and religious values that have inspired the nation since its founding,” he said. [HuffPo]
  • According to data from John Hopkins University, about 404,284 people have died in the U.S. from COVID-19 so far. The CDC is predicting that the country will see more deaths and projects 508,000 fatalities from coronavirus February 13. [CNN]
  • Former Trump senior adviser Stephen Miller, known as one of the key architects of Trump’s destructive immigration policies, has already begun attacking Biden’s imimigration reform policies. After the Biden administration released details of a new immigration bill Wednesday, Miller went on Twitter and said it’s “unclear how Americans are served by opening travel from terror hot spots, proposing a giant amnesty, or halting the installation of security barriers along the Southwest border.” [Politico]
  • Ecuador has received its first batch of 18 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines after weeks of negotiating with three pharmaceutical companies. The country plans to launch a pilot plan with medical staff from public hospitals and nursing homes. [Reuters]
  • Yesterday’s inauguration included performances from Lady Gaga and Jennifer Lopez, but Cardi B took an opportunity to joke about being left out of the event. “Ugh I was supposed to perform wap at the inauguration today but I had a dentist appointment,” she wrote good-naturedly. “Maybe next time.” [Billboard]