Just when I started getting back to my Catholic roots – taking my grandma to church on Sundays, praying for strength and the protection of all my peeps, and dousing myself with holy water — the Archdiocese goes ahead and sells my favorite arts institution in the city: Self Help Graphics. This is strike three. Strike one is a tie between colonizing indigenous people with the good word and the whole molestation thing. Strike two happened a couple weeks ago at the Downtown LA Cathedral when my boo and I were being good little Catholics at Sunday mass and the priest had nerve to say we need to stop same sex marriages and live pro life lives. We left right after communion and politicked for hours about the problems with religion. And now Self Help Graphics, which was founded by a Catholic nun by the name of Sister Karen Boccalero, has been sold by the same institution that baptized her and nurtured many a Chicano(a) artist. A community meeting is scheduled for Thursday, July 17 at 7 p.m. at Self Help Graphics & Art: 3802 Cesar E. Chavez Ave., East LA, 323-881-6444. Check out their website for the full scoop www.selfhelpgraphics.com.