
Chisme Chica: Gossip Girl Acapulco Is Coming!

Twitter: @danieluh

We don’t want to name names, but a certain high-ranking Remezcla official – we’ll call him “Bochinche Boy” –  is a huge Gossip Girl fan. And he was pretty bummed out when the series finale put Chucks Bass’s brooding grin and dapper suits to rest (which is what we’ll miss the most, lessbereal). But fear not, because there’s a new Gossip Girl coming to tv, and she’s MEXICAN! Mexico will begin airing Gossip Girl: Acapulco starting in July, and based on photos and previews so far, looks like chisme and insufferable rich kid shenanigans will only get hotter now that they’ve traded skyscrapers for palm trees and beaches a la The OC. What do you think of the new casting for our beloved Upper East Siders? Not to be biased or anything , but I kind of think everyone in this version is way hotter. (Sup, Max Zaga). We can’t wait to start hate-watching this show. Check out the preview below and let us know what you think!

[insert-video youtube=aG3MoCnnbf4]