Colombia rejoice: Now it’s cheaper to buy our vibrators, lube, and sex dolls!

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Let’s be honest: this is a lucrative industry, and as in any other lucrative industry people are going to be looking for the best they can get at the lowest price. We might as well make a ton of money off of it.

Apparently, the US government is the honest-est, as our new U.S.-Colombia Trade Agreement provides for the export of good ol’ American made sex toys to Colombia much more cheaply than before. According to Portafolio, recent tariffs and dry laws have killed sex-shops in Colombia, which is a shame, because the rainy season means people tend to stay home rather than go out, which is perfect conditions for sex-object usage. But the recent trade agreement will help alleviate those woes and the woes of horny customers looking to hump plastic on the cheap.

The article also details the types of goods most sold, the types of goods where it pays to buy American made: “los artículos más vendidos son los lubricantes, que incluyen los multiorgásmicos y estrechantes vaginales, así como la lencería íntima para las mujeres, mientras que los hombres buscan potenciadores, retardantes y preservativos de diferentes colores, texturas y sabores.” Got that? I’m not translating. What I will say, however, is that it seems the Spanish term for sex doll translates literally to “female clone,” so…now you know that forever.

Making the high-quality, American made, now fair-trade approved products available more cheaply to vendors and to their customers will no doubt make a big change for business owners in Colombia, and stands to make a significant dent in revenue provided by our exports. Who says the government’s doing nothing to fix the economy?



Hispanically Speaking