Twitter: @danieluh
If you’re from Washington Heights or the Uptown community, you have probably come across Emmanuel “DJ Boy” Abreu, a Dominican photographer and cinematographer. He has been an essential part of many inspiring local organizations and projects which we at Remezcla also support, like the Word Up Community Bookshop, Nutcracker Inc, The Uptown Collective and has plenty of his own projects which have gotten him exposure in NYC media outlets. Now, Abreu is about to embark on a new journey that will take him away from the streets of NYC’s urban jungle, to the communities of Chapala, Jalisco in central Mexico.
Moca, Dominican Republic by Emmanuel Abreu
Emmanuel was the first and only photographer chosen to be a part of 360 Xochi Quetzal, a summer artist residency lead by visual artist Deborah Kruger, now living in Chapala. Out of over 160 applicants, Abreu’s passion for capturing everyday life in his Washington Heights community stood out, and he now has a chance to explore and document small neighborhoods surrounding Chapala. He hopes that this experience will allow him to engage with the locals and capture their stories through the visual arts, but just as he has volunteered and given so much to his community, he now needs our help.
Through his Indiegogo campaign, Abreu is asking for funds that will help him get the proper equipment needed to get the most unique perspectives in Mexico. If he collects funds beyond his goal, he vows to “give thanks, in the form of food, supplies, or gifts, to the communities and families who will allow me to document their everyday lives.” With just a little contribution, you can help an NYC artist realize his dreams of becoming a travel photographer, and also help him share the dreams and beauty of the people he meets behind the lens.
Check out this video below and support Emmanuel’s residency on IndieGoGo until April 18!
[insert-video youtube=lForICvO86Y]