
Cuba Is Going to Actually Let People Leave The Country Starting January 14th

Twitter: @AndreaGompf

The internet has been abuzz this morning with reports that Cuba is going to lift its Exit Visa requirement effective January. Currently, Cuban citizens need to obtain a letter of invitation from a resident abroad and apply for an exit visa to leave – a process rife with unaffordable fees that basically prevented the vast majority of the population from traveling.

According to a foreign ministry statement in the Central Committee’s official newspaper, Granma, not only will the exit visa be scrapped, residents will also be allowed to remain abroad for 24 months (as opposed to the 30 day limit on the current exit visa).

It will be interesting to see how this plays out with the U.S.’s “wet feet, dry feet policy,” by which any Cuban who makes it onto US shores is allowed to remain.

For more on this development, check out the AP’s story.