
Cuba’s Internet Bootleggers Are Earning More Than Neymar Does Every Year

Even though Cuba has limited access to the Internet, the citizens are caught up with the latest pop culture phenomena thanks to El Paquete Semanal. Every week, Cubans can purchase a collection of files for about $6.50. People can customize a package of movies, music, publications, and pretty much anything you can imagine. Most people’s weekly fix is downloaded onto a thumb drive. In one March package, we saw a mix of Mexican magazines, anime, indie movies, and music videos.

ABC reports that entrepreneurs started the private businesses five years ago, and today, they generate $4 million a month, which adds up to more than what Barcelona superstar Neymar makes annually ($40 million). They are also the biggest private employer in the country, because the government tends to just ignore their existence. To put this into perspective, the Cuban government shut down 3-D movie theaters a few years ago, claiming that these businesses were not authorized.

Learn more about how El Paquete Semanal operates below: