Gucci recently debuted a pair of $1,400 grass-stained denim overalls. The denim is a part of the Italian luxury brand’s so-called ‘eco-friendly’ campaign. Those of us who grew up playing in nature around the barrio know that dirty denim isn’t worth a penny. We remember how mad our mamas would be when we came home all muddy after playing outside. The faux grass stains are laughable, but painfully so, as they sell for over a grand each.
To recreate this look, pop on your gardening overalls and hit the town—we’re sure they already have some tough grass stains you haven’t been able to remove. No worries, the knees-in-the-dirt look is on-trend now thanks to the fashion mavens at Gucci.
Gucci is clapping back at the lackluster response to the collection and is attempting to reclaim the eco-friendly aspect of the denim. The items are made from 100% organic cotton, which is great, but why not create a luxurious pair of jeans that are worth the pretty penny? Selling the pricy stained jeans is gentrifying the typical farm workwear. The brand claims it was trying to “blur the line between vintage and contemporary.”
The grass-stained jeans to much ridicule on Twitter—users aren’t so amused by the denim antics. Here are some of the best sarcastic takes of the dirty Gucci denim.
@MaryDudasik1: I get more grass stains as a suburban gardener than those Gucci overalls are sporting. If they’re charging that much at the very least we deserve some pig shit and tractor oil stains.
@DumpTweetRepeat: Gucci is selling grass-stained jeans. Not to be outdone, Hanes plans on selling shit-stained underpants.
@phsidefender: You can tell me I don’t *GET* fashion, but come on! $1200 for grass-stained jeans and $1400 for overalls? Goodwill + soccer field = same thing
@dfaber84: Gucci is selling $1,000 grass stained pants. I’m selling my cow poop stained pants for $500 with the added benefit of keeping people away. No low balls, I know what I got
@BamaJayTee: If you are thinking about buying these (coughcoughfuckinhidiotcough) I’ll sell you a pair of old fucked up Liberty overalls for $2000 so you can sit back and laugh at all those poors in their shitty, cheap ass Gucci overalls.