
#DearProfessorFord: Film Director Paola Mendoza Launched a Campaign to Support Kavanaugh’s Accuser

Lead Photo: Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanagh meets with Sen. Todd Young. Photo by Alex Wroblewski/Getty Images
Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanagh meets with Sen. Todd Young. Photo by Alex Wroblewski/Getty Images
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Months ago, Professor Christine Blasey Ford wrote a letter to a senior Democratic lawmaker accusing Brett M. Kavanaugh – Donald Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court – of sexually assaulting her when they were teenagers. Since then, she’s provided a detailed account of what happened at that house party more than three decades ago. As some have dragged her name through the mud and threatened her life, others have excused Kavanaugh’s actions as typical teenager behavior. But as many turn their backs on her, film director Paola Mendoza launched #DearProfessorFord to show Christine that she has a lot of support as well.

In a video she shared on Twitter on Wednesday, America Ferrera, Julianne Moore, Eva Longoria, and many more women spoke out about why Kavanaugh should not be confirmed. “Dear Professor Ford, we know how difficult it is to stand up to powerful people,” they say. “We want to thank you for publicly sharing your story of sexual violence. As members of the Senate determine whether Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh should serve as a Supreme Court Justice, this context is critical. The behavior you described was wrong and runs directly counter to upholding the law and promoting justice. He should not be confirmed.”

The women in the video criticized that her letter was shared without her permission and applauded her courage. In her Twitter post, Mendoza explained that the video was to show that “millions of us have your back. We call on Senators to demand a full, fair and trauma-informed investigation.”

Check out the powerful message below.