Ever since Diane Guerrero revealed in late 2014 that her parents were deported when she was barely a teenager, she has become an advocate for the immigrant community. In a new PSA by Immigrant Legal Resource Center and United We Dream, Guerrero makes a powerful plea to end the deportations that split up families like hers.
“With all the hate speech and the intolerance these days, it’s easy to forget that we are a nation of immigrants,” she said. “Whatever our personal reasons, whether we were born here or our parents came here for a shot at the American dream, we need to stand up to reactionary policies aimed at targeting and criminalizing the immigrant community. We can and must do better.”
Guerrero goes on to share the details of having her own parents deported when she was 14. Though there have been strides made in recent years, Guerrero says more can be done. She urges us to contact local and state leaders, as well as members of congress so that unlike her, “no child ever comes home to an empty house.”
Watch another of United We Dream’s PSAs here, and click here for more information.
[H/T The Huffington Post]