
DIY Halloween: Five Costume Ideas for 2012

4. Out of Work Abelardo

Ever since Mitt Romney basically threatened to fire Big Bird during the first Presidential debate, “Sassy Big Bird” Halloween costumes have been flying off the shelves. This causes a bit of a conundrum: how to take part in a highly topical, clever costume without bumping into 20 people wearing the exact same thing? The solution is clear: go as Big Bird’s Mexican cousin Abelardo Montoya. That way you not only reference Mitt’s threats to cut PBS funding, you can also throw work in some immigration policy mockery too – thereby killing two birds with one stone. PUN INTENDED. To look the part, you’ll need red & pink feather boas to wrap around your head and neck, as well as a feathered bird mask. The next component – a floor length lime green fur coat – may prove a little more challenging to procure. We’d suggest googling “pimp coats,” which is how we stumbled upon the fluorescent work of art featured above. Even if you aren’t planning to be Abelardo, you should probably google image “pimp coats” anyway. Just because. Finally, add some orange knee socks, flashy shoes, and a home-made “will work for food” sign, and you’ve got yourself a Fired Abelardo.

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