On Wednesay, El Peruano – one of Peru’s biggest papers – unintentionally called the Oficina Nacional de Procesos Electorales (ONPE) a #FingerInTheBootyAssBitch. The paper accidentally printed a satirical cartoon created by Álvaro Portales in 2000, according to Capital.
Portales originally created the cartoon to accuse ONPE of helping Alberto Fujimori get illegally re-elected once again. He printed it on 16.53 x 23.39-inch paper so that it could be handed out to voters. The cartoon the paper published was an updated 2010 version that Portales created, so that it could reflect some of the changes ONPE made to its logo.
As of Wednesday, Portales hadn’t been able to get his hands on the paper. “I need to find a copy so that I can keep,” he told CNN. “Journalists have come to interview me, and they have showed it to me. But they don’t want to give it to me because they say it’s a historic paper.”
Meanwhile, ONPE is salty as hell. They accused El Peruano of purposely choosing the logo. The newspaper has apologized and said it will find the person responsible for letting the wrong logo run. It also reprinted the paper with the correct logo.
For Tuiter, this has been a blessing. Check out some of the best reactions: