
Eva Mendes Gets a Reminder From One of Her Daughters To ‘Be Present’

Lead Photo: Art by Stephany Torres for Remezcla
Art by Stephany Torres for Remezcla
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Eva Mendes made a re-appearance on Instagram after having been away for almost a month.

In her first post of the new year, Mendes, who shares two children with Ryan Gosling, revealed why she had been away for almost a month–her daughter had pointed out that she was always on her phone.

“I haven’t posted lately because my little one told me I was on the phone too much,” Mendes explained via the caption. “I could tell she was taking it personally. And she’s a kid, of course she’d take it personally. They take things personally unless we go out of our way to make it clear to them it’s not personal.”

The post was a re-share from the account @LatinxParenting that reads, “Let your kids call you out. It’s not disrespect. It’s healthy. Kids can be so fiercely aligned with their value that they will take nothing less than the respect they deserve. They will take no BS. Not even from you. Congratulations, you are raising an empowered child.”

During the COVID-19 global pandemic, parents everywhere have shifted into becoming not just mom and dad, but also teachers, chefs, planners, doctors, nurses, etc. to their children, as many areas of the country have suspended in-person learning. Mendes notes that she “realized that just because I’m always home with them doesn’t mean I’m always present.”

Mendes is extremely cautious with what she shares on social media, and that includes her daughters, four-year-old Amada Lee and six-year-old Esmerelda Amada. She instead opts to share little quips from her parenting experience, and elects to post old throwbacks of her and her boo, Gosling stating that, “my man and my kids are private.”

And yes, she did apologize to her daughter and promised she would try to be mindful, and by the looks of it, she is keeping her promise.