
Gift Guide: What to Get Your Altruistic Amigas

Twitter: @AndreaGompf

You know those friends who are like “Oh, I couldn’t possibly accept any presents this year – I have everything I need. But if you’d really like to get a gift, please make a donation to XX charity.” Totally selfish, am I right? I mean, everyone knows that the best part of Christmas is the satisfaction that comes from selecting the PERFECT present and watching the recipient’s face when they open it and realize you just “get them” and are the greatest friend to ever walk the earth. How could they deprive you of that?

Lucky for you we have a happy compromise: Sequence Jewelry. Created by Salvadoran-born designer Ariela Suster, this jewelry is the gift that keeps on giving. That’s because the handmade accessories line – made from nylon ropes that are traditionally used for hammocks, fishing nets, and furniture – almost exclusively employs ex-gang members and at-risk youth from Tepecoyo, a town in El Salvador ridden with gang violence. Using her background as a fashion editor at Harper’s Bazaar, Lucky Magazine and most recently, InStyle Magazine, Suster has created a collection that blends the ancient techniques of artisans in Central America with a modern aesthetic that looks right at home on hip young things.

By purchasing one of her unique pieces, you’re helping your friend to look fly AND supporting youth in at-risk communities. It’s a win-win. You’re welcome.

For more information on Sequence visit their website. Images courtesy of Ariela Suster for Sequence.

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