Last Calle 13 posting from me, I swear!!!
So last night the we were there at the Calle 13– Kinky concert at the Nokia with el corillo, dancing hasta abajo to “Suave” and “Se Vale To ” in the back when early in the night Residente was so pumpeao that he decided to throw his sneakers to the audience. It’s now a tradition that he “gives” something to the “people” at every show, i.e. his spankin’ new kicks. And he can do that because artists like him get new shoes for free all the time.
We caught one of the shoes (we had to struggle with this dude who wouldn’t let go, but we got it jaja!) A few minutes later, our friend Natalie is minding her own business culeando like she knows how to do, when she steps on something mushy in the floor. The other shoe!!!
And so we got both, and we got them signed by Rene. As Claire said, they’re being held hostage in our Headquarterz. They’re Adidas size 9 1/2. Brand new, used for 20 minutes onstage. Unfortunately, they don’t even smell.
Should we keep them as a relic, give them out to charity, sell them on e-bay, do a contest and give out to the best Calle 13 impersonator??? Tell us.