
Got libros? Help open a book store in El Barrio

La Casa Azul, a New York based online bookstore run by Aurora Anaya-Cerda, has launched it’s 40K in 40 Days Campaign, a push to raise the funds to open a brick and mortar location in East Harlem on IndieGoGo. A generous and anonymous donor has agreed to match, dollar for dollar, each donation made, up to a total of $40,000; that’s right, this campaign has the potential to raise $80,000 for this beautiful project. Anaya-Cerda describes the goal:

La Casa Azul Bookstore will sell new & used books, coffee, pastries, art, clothing and locally-made cards and gifts. A fresh stock of books by local and Latino writers will help solidify our niche as a purveyor of authors of local and regional interest. La Casa Azul Bookstore will cross-promote with local businesses to highlight the importance of sustainability & buying locally. We will continue to work with area schools and nonprofits to promote literacy in the East Harlem community.

Watch the video, make a donation, receive cool prizes for your help (everything from a $5 gift card to a bookshelf named after you and VIP status for a year), and share this with as many friends as you can to help La Casa Azul make a home for itself in East Harlem.

40K in 40 days campaign, La Casa Azul Bookstore from Lucha Libros on Vimeo.