
Thanks to the Internet, This Man Is Naming His Son Goku Sanchez

Lead Photo: Photo by LWA/Dann Tardif /Blend Images
Photo by LWA/Dann Tardif /Blend Images

Picking out baby names is often incredibly challenging for parents – especially if you decide to get the internet involved. But that’s exactly what Carlos Sanchez did when he called on the internet to help him get to 1 million likes so that he could name his son Goku after the protagonist of Dragon Ball Z. In an image he posted a week ago onto Facebook, Sanchez held a sign that read, “My wife said if I get 1 mil [likes], I can name our son Goku.”

He managed to quickly meet the goal, and then followed up his initial post with a video of his wife holding a sign that said she’d hold up her end of the bargain. Unfortunately, we didn’t get to see her initial reaction.

But years from now little Goku will have a one-of-a-kind story about his name.