Hallmark Holds ¡Qué Funny Birthday! Card Contest. Submit!

We have problems with egregious uses of the word “sabor” and “spicy” to describe Latino things. Luckily for you, though, our love for our creative Remezclanistas outweighs our hatred of tiresome, vaguely racist copywriting.

Hallmark is holding a contest called ¡Qué Funny Birthday! to create Spanglish birthday cards, which is actually a pretty good idea aimed at you and you specifically: the young, English fluent and probably English dominant Latino living in the US. Unfortunately, the idea is presented like this:

“¡Qué Funny Birthday!” is Hallmark for “Really funny birthday cards with sabor latino.” (You know, Latin flava.)

Create funny birthday cards that blend Spanish and English for a favorite chico or chica.

Now, ándale, ¡vamos!

Don’t you just feel even more flava coursing through you? It goes on.

We’re looking for muy especial cards for this contest. These birthday cards will speak English and they will speak Spanish, just like many of our friends and fans. How do you say “¡Feliz Cumpleaños!” to your favorite amigo?

“Muy especial cards” is a violation of Spanglish grammar.

But anyway, enter, and for the love of Cantinflas please email tips@remezcla.com if you’re one of the winners. Submissions are accepted until January 29th, and a number of winners will be announced and have their cards sold online and in stores.