
Have a Rockin Halloween and Dia de Los Muertos

Day of The Dead week is all about kicking ass while we’re still alive so let us share with you the tightest happenings in the Chi.

Tonight, avoid feeding trick-or-treaters at your door and head over the House of Blues for Jaguares (above). Tomorrow, Day of the Dead, dance your heart out with the princess of salsa, La India at the Congress. But before you do anything else this week plan your visit to the National Museum of Mexican Art for the nation’s largest Day of the Dead exhibit, La Vida Sin Fin.

And while on the subject of mourning, Teatro Luna premiers a play about breakups this Friday. Jarred: A Santeria, Brujeria, Hoodoo Comedy is stage production inspired by the nightmare breakups can be and their clever solution to all its pain: Hood Voodoo aka Hoodoo!

For more on Day of The Dead in Chicago, check out our Day of the Dead Guide, including the recipe for Pan de Muerto.