
The Hoodwitch & Smashbox Have Created a Crystal-Inspired Beauty Line

Lead Photo: Photo by MvH / E+
Photo by MvH / E+

In the last few years, Bri Luna has built a large following for her spirituality. Better known as The Hoodwitch, Luna’s website provides witch tips and horoscopes while her shop sells crystals, tarot decks, palo santo, and more. Luna is about “everyday magic for the modern mystic,” and her work has been noticed by big brands, including Refinery 29, which teamed up with her in 2018 for an immersive art installation. Now, Bri is working with Smashbox on a new makeup collection that’s set to drop soon.

Over the last few days, both Bri and Smashbox have teased the collection with videos of crystal. On Sunday, Smashbox wrote, “We see something *bright* in your not-too-distant future. Stay tuned. @thehoodwitch #GetCrystalized.”

Though there’s currently not too much information about the collection, you can now pre-order it on Smashbox. A landing page for the Crystalized collection reads, “Celebrate beauty inspired by the transformative quality of crystals.”

The line has 16 products, including a crystalized highlighter and eyeshadow palette that come in a crystal-topped case as well as shimmer drops and sparkly lip gloss. Check out the full collection here.