
NYC: How to Do the Dominican Day Parade – An 8 Step Guide

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Photo Credit: Alex Forsey

Twitter: @AndreaGompf

The Dominican Day Parade is this Sunday and by now your preparations should be well under way. But in the event that you haven’t begun the necessary prep, we’ve got your back with this easy 8 step guide:

1. Get Your Flag

Remember that Portlandia “Put a Bird on It” skit? Follow those guidelines, except replace the word “bird” with “flag”. Got a tote bag? Put a flag on it. Got a flag? Put another flag on it. Basically, if you don’t have a flag to wave around, don’t show your face at this shit.

2. Get Your Outfit On Point

The Dominican Day Parade is the time of year when alllll the tigueres and tigueronas come out of the woodwork, and everybody is doing the most with the alphets. Your attire should preferably include one or all of the following: Dominican flag durags/head wraps, comfortable shoes, this strap back, a pair of pum pum shorts (for the ladieeeees). At some point, 60% of the men will take their shirts off.

3. Make a Playlist to Blast In Your Cousin’s Whip

Arguably the best part of the day is seeing people drive around the city in cars covered in flags blasting the loudest típico music ever. This starts early as balls in the morning and continues alllll night, and you don’t want to be playing the same four songs. We’ve done a little legwork for you, and put together your very necessary playlist here:

4. Get Your Portable Hookah Stick

Ain’t nobody got time to stop somewhere to smoke hookah, there’s marching to do. The hookah has got to be on-the-go. Make sure you have the necessary sabores.

5. Clear Out Some Phone Memory

Because pics or it didn’t happen.

6. Line Your Stomach

It’s going to be a looooong day and you’re going to need a plato fuerte to get you through it. Our recommendations for where to grub: El Típico Bonao, La Casa del Mofongo, Lulo Restaurant, or Elsa La Reina del Chicharrón.

7. Get Your Drink On

I want to say you should have Brugal or some other kind of rum, but let’s be real — everyone will probably be drinking Henny and Rosé. Or nutcrackers.

8. Make Your Way to La Marina

Photo via NY Times

After the parade is over, there’s really only one place to go to keep the night going. This is that place. Que la virgen de la Altagracia te proteja mijitos.