
Huicholes Are Hoping 2016 is the Year They Get Peyote Legalized in Mexico

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After the Mexican Supreme Court ruled that people should have the right to grow marijuana for personal use earlier this month, speculation began that this may be a gateway to the legalization of weed in the country. President Enrique Peña Nieto shot that down really quickly, but the court may soon be ruling on whether or not peyote will be legal for a group of people, EFE reports.

The Huicholes have been fighting for peyote to be legalized for religious reasons since 1994. But Cynthia Espínola, a legal representative for the Iglesia Nativa Americana de México, doesn’t think the rest of the country is ready for peyote to be legal. The same day that the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the recreational use of marijuana for four people, they also revealed they were looking into INAM’s case, though they probably won’t reach a decision until 2016.

INAM is hoping to follow in the footsteps of the historic marijuana case by getting the court to agree that denying them would be an affront to their right to free development of personality and self-determination.

Learn more about the Huicholes’ peyote ritual below: