
This Activist Is Trying to Erect a 25-Foot Inflatable Trump Poop Emoji at the White House

Lead Photo: U.S. President Donald J. Trump listens during a Department of Veterans Affairs announcement. Photo by Chris Kleponis-Pool/Getty Images News
U.S. President Donald J. Trump listens during a Department of Veterans Affairs announcement. Photo by Chris Kleponis-Pool/Getty Images News

Donald Trump morphed into the poop emoji is nothing new. Just after he announced his presidential bid in mid-2015, people began melding the bigoted, narrow minded Trump with the emoji that best sums up his beliefs. And with his administration putting an end to DACA – the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, a program that has shielded many young undocumented immigrants from deportation – the Trump-poop emoji connection has become more potent. The internet has become flooded with signs reading “Save DACA, Trump is CACA” and “DACA Sí, CACA No.” These messages have also inspired activist Jeronimo Saldaña to take on his latest project: erecting a 25-foot inflatable Trump poop emoji, complete with blond hair.

Saldaña – creator of the “Make America Mexico Again” hats – turned to GoFundMe to make it a reality. If he successfully raises $1,500, he plans to take the Trumpoop emoji on a statewide tour of Trump’s properties and the White House.

“The idea is [to] send the inflatable Trump poop emoji on tour so that it can constantly be outside all of Trump’s properties until his brand becomes synonymous with the outright mierda it is,” Saldaña tells me through email. “Aside from being a form of protest. I think it’s also pretty damn hilarious and lets folks have a moment of respite amidst all of the chaos.”

Since taking office, Trump has targeted undocumented immigrants, Muslims, people of color, and women. He’s also surrounded himself with staffers eager to infringe on the rights of these groups. In the last month, when white supremacists gathered in Charlottesville to protect confederate statues and turned violent, Trump blamed the tragic events on “many sides.” He also pardoned former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who routinely racially profiled Latinos and immigrants.

“Donald Trump and his administration have proven themselves to be a danger not only to all Latinxs, but to the entire world,” Saldaña adds. “Trump’s brand of white supremacist populism is pura mierda, and since he’s so enamored with confederate monuments, I thought what a better monument to his legacy than an inflatable poop emoji filled with hot air.”

Donate to the GoFundMe account here.