AleMor73 is a bit of an enigma, but he sure takes some amazing iPhone photos…
Who: All we can really gather from Alemor73’s Instagram is that his name is Alejandro, and that he’s from the city of Gijón, along the Northern coast of Spain. The contrast of medieval and modern architecture in the coastal city is the perfect inspiration for his striking photographs.
Why You Should Follow Him: Because he makes buildings and landscapes look like masterpieces on a canvas. He has an extremely detailed and precise eye, where he makes ordinary shapes and colors transform into something else entirely. The only other information we found on Alejandro was his page, where he writes, “I like facades, shapes, colors, patterns, geometry, minimalism and I hope you like too.” That’s plenty enough for us. And it seems like it’s plenty for his nearly 100,000 followers too!
Sample Photos:
Check out previous Instagram of the Weeks here!