Instagram of the Week: Miami Graffiti Artist Atomik


The Sunshine State is known for its delicious oranges, but I bet you haven’t seen one with a tear tattoo, have you?


Who: Atomik is undoubtedly the King of Miami graffiti. The native Floridian has been part of the most respected graffiti crews in Miami, and is known for his iconic orange character, which is based off of the Orange Bowl mascot, Obie. He created his tear-drop-tattoed Obie as a response to the demolition of Miami’s beloved stadium, and vowed to spread his love and pride of his city in his work.

Why You Should Follow Him: Atomik is known for his crisp illustrations and installations, which he has painted all over the world, including the streets of Brazil, Mexico City, and across Europe. He is also known as a mixed media artist, showing in various exhibits. “The street,” he says, “is where all my influence for my fine art comes from.” Atomik is a staple at Art Basel and in the blossoming Wynwood Arts District, and his work is a fresh burst of life in some otherwise forgotten corner of Miami and beyond.

Sample Photos:



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