Who: Friends Layana Leonardo and Antonio Adriano are a design and copywriting duo who wanted to combine their love of photography and Brazilian music. They initially wanted to recreate Brazilian vinyls through portraits, but instead saw that they could enter the world of the #sleeveface hashtag on social media and bring classic Brazilian records back into the conversation.
Why You Should Follow: Because Brazilian vinyl covers are fierce and incredible. I mean, so much hair, so many pouts, so much Tropicalia –a dream come true (the Sidney Magal cover is a personal favorite). But most importantly, is the fact that two fans saw a void and wanted their culture to be represented. “When we started out, the #sleeveface hashtag was already really popular, but there were almost no photos of Brazilian records,” Layana shares. And now you can either reminisce or discover the beauty of Brazilian music again.
Sample Photos: