Open Forum: Name a Puerto Rican Street!

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Twitter: @BarbotRobot

Yesterday, according to, it was announced that San Juan mayor Santina Padilla will rename the city’s Calle Asturias after Puerto Rican dancer/singer/entertainer/television personality Iris Chacón. The Mayor said:

“No existe duda alguna que Iris Chacón logró recorrer el mundo llevando el nombre de Puerto Rico con orgullo cuando no existían los medios tecnológicos de hoy. No había internet para darse a conocer sin moverse de aquí, se dio a conocer cuando era más difícil.”

Now, there is of course a special place in our hearts for the talento (culo) tremendo de la Chacón – we even have a professional impersonator among our staff – but we couldn’t help but wonder who else might deserve their name on a street in San Juan. We turn the question over to you Remezclanistas (don’t make us regret it): which famous Puerto Rican would you name a street after?