It's been a rough week for Hugo Chavez…

It’s been an altogether rough week for Venezuelan “President” Hugo Chavez, who is making the rounds to prove, in the wake of cancer treatments, that he’s still well enough to run the country for another term – “elections” are next year. And if you thought our election campaign antics were laughable – and that’s a big “if,” because they’re usually just depressing – here’s two videos of Hugo Chavez’s public appeals going hilariously awry.

First, here he is dancing to an especially patriotic rap from Venezuelan performer Rodbexa Poleo Vidoza, who, since Google only turns up links to this video when you search her name, is probably thrilled about this whole thing. Apparently Chavez likes the hippity hoppity music.

And here he is in effigy, or perhaps more accurately, in state-owned mascot form. I’m not sure where Obama went wrong and decided that it wasn’t a great idea to make an enormous foam headed caricature of himself to make media appearances for him, but we’re pretty sure he’d make sure that the guy in the suit would wear a belt.

Chavez himself, who was on the phone with the television program, jokes about it, but his political opposition has already been using it to their advantage.