
Jets VS Dolphins on Columbus Day

The new NFL campaign has been made with a certain demographic in mind: Latino football fans. And while the ads are funny, the cooler thing is that this huge organization would take the time out to single us out, on Columbus Day! Way to make us feel special, NFL!  The game in question is between the Miami Dolphins and the NY Jets and even better, Marc freaking Anthony is performing at the game! To make us feel even more appreciated, the NFL has termed this a flagship game for their “Futbol Americano” project which aims to attract more Latin football fans.

As for Marc Anthony, who co-owns the Dolphins, he will only perform the national anthem yet there will be other stars such as Gloria Estefan (also co-owner of the Dolphins) and the Hispanization goes down to even the names of the teams such as the Dolphins being rechristianed “Los Delfines.”

As for the videos, they are quite serviceable and in my opinion, the pinata one was better.