Las Notis is a daily news column that gets you up to speed on politics, media news + other going ons in Latin America and the diaspora—all in one quick digest.
Here’s your glimpse at what’s going on today.
- In a national survey of Latino voters between the ages of 18 and 34 conducted jointly by Telemundo and Buzzfeed, 60% of young Latinos respondents said they’ll vote for Joe Biden in the 2020 election, compared to 19% who said they’ll vote for Donald Trump. More broadly, 64% of Latinos surveyed said they would definitely vote in the upcoming election. Still, 73% of them feared that Trump supporters would cheat to win the election.
- Facebook and Twitter took disciplinary action against Trump after his official and campaign accounts shared misinformation about COVID-19, including a video clip in which he claimed that children are “almost immune” from the virus. Facebook took the post down, while Twitter required Trump’s campaign account to delete a tweet with the video and blocked it from tweeting in the meantime. [WaPo]
- NBC Latino dove into “My Time to Speak: Reclaiming Ancestry and Confronting Race,” a new memoir written by Afro-Latina news anchor Ilia Calderón. In the book, Calderón discusses how race and colorism have impacted her life and career. “I have a voice, space, a platform to speak louder and make myself heard, hopefully, so others can benefit from my story,” Calderón writes.
- Latino voters could play a major role in turning Arizona blue for the first time since 1996. Newsweek reports that Latinos, who make up almost a quarter of the state’s eligible voters, could tip the state toward Joe Biden—and data is already showing they’re eager to vote, despite the pandemic.
- Chief Aritana Yawalapiti, an influential and respected Indigenous leader in Brazil, died on Aug. 5 from the coronavirus. He was 71. His death reflects how the virus has threatened indigenous communities vulnerable to disease in the country. [Reuters]
- Oaxaca became the first state in Mexico to try to combat child obesity by banning the sale of sweets and sugary drinks to kids. People who break the new law could be fined, have their businesses shut down and eventually face jail terms if they continually violate the ban. [BBC]
- More than 200 workers tested positive for coronavirus at a Guatemalan garment factory that supplies many American brands, including American Eagle, Amazon and Gap. The outbreak shows the dire conditions and lack of adequate safety measures many workers in free trade zone factories face during the pandemic. [The Guardian]