Latin Word of the Week: Horny

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We Latinos owe much to our horniness. After all, what are we celebrating during Hispanic Heritage Month but a history that would never have been possible if not for generation after generation of Hispanics humping each other and making another generation, on and on through history. Oh, and then some individuals in each of those generations achieved pretty impressive things and we celebrate that, too. Latin sex-appeal has become such a common part of our image that the late nineties spawned an entire “explosion” of gyrating hips, sexy cheek moles, and vidas locas. It’s only natural that we have a few choice words to describe our more libidinous Latinos, no? If you thought Spanish was already a sexy language, here’s a list of words to work into conversation:

  • Bellaco (We got this one from our Puerto Ricans and our Puerto Rican-associated, and are told Dominicans use it, too. Without fail, when I put out the call for horny-slang, I got this answer. And who can blame them, eh? It just sounds so…nasty.)
  • Cachondo
  • Caliente (Hot. Perhaps under the collar.)
  • Horneado (Technically, this means roasted, as in “in an oven.” We’re told it’s also what you call hotboxing in Mexico, like when you hotbox a car. If you don’t know what that means, we won’t ruin your innocence. Our best guess: it’s a corruption of the English “horny.”)
  • Jarioso
  • Lujurioso (How literary.)
  • Racho (Dominicanos stand up.)
  • Urgido (You need it, and you need it now.)

What’s your favorite way of describing your lustful tendencies?

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