When it comes time to picking a high school yearbook quote, it seems seniors have two choices: go philosophical or go for something clever and hilarious. Thankfully for us, 18-year-old Krysta Montoya chose to go with the latter. The teen from Albuquerque, New Mexico made a statement with one select phrase: “Grey’s Anatomy Season 5, Episode 6, 39:40.”
While that may have prompted some to head to a streaming service to look for the specific timestamp, Montoya kept being asked about the quote, so this week, she shared an image of the words she chose: “I am so, so, so gay.”
Montoya, who came out freshman year, stumbled across the quote one day while watching the show and knew she needed to include it in her yearbook. “I chose this as my quote because I feel some people do not accept who I am,” she told Insider. “I just wanted to basically make a bold statement. I’ve lost some friends over my sexuality, but my family has always supported me.”
The epic phrase has also earned her support online. The image has gone viral and ended up as a Twitter moment. Check out some reactions below: