
Listen Live from LAMC

Feeling left out? Help is on the way…For those not lucky enough to be in NYC this week for the largest gathering of Latin Alternative music (Yerba Buena, Brazilian Girls, Julieta Venegas, Plastilina Mosh, Nacotheque, the list goes on…) aficionados and just about anyone in the field…  Radio Arte, WRTE 90.5fm Chicago will be broadcasting live from LAMC.

Listen up for the next four days during the Latin Alternative  blocks (10:00-11:30am, 1:00-1:30pm, 3:00-3:30pm) to catch live interviews, reportes, and the latest chisme from the conference. Who said only the folks in NYRemezcla could enjoy this mega event? Tune in online or get busy and turn the dial to 90.5fm Chicago!   For a full schedule visit and

For complete coverage from the Remezcla crew check out Semana Musical:LAMC week for those without a badge.